Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday Worship

Today is Sunday and I just experienced my first Worship service in Africa. The service lasted around three hours but probably a little longer because it was a kick off to their biannual CECU national conference. Over 1500 pastor's and wives are here. It is just incredible to see the joy with which they gather. One group that came by a big truck from zongo (probably 30 people stacked on each other) pulled in at 7:00 a.m. after driving all night on the same road we traveled the day before. They came into the CECU compound singing a hymn loudly. It sent a chill down my spine and in all honestly I was overcome with the goodness of God.

The service today had four choirs singing all original music for this conference. Each Song told a story. We had a translator close so we got the main themes. It was a great kick off - the highlight was when they received the offering. I will show you footage when I get back. Maybe we will try a dance offering someday when we celebrate the work at Elikya!

This afternoon one of our team members and I started a game of Frisbee without the Frisbee. We used a plastic lid and had a ball with a bunch of kids - fun time!

I was able to meet with the national evangelist today and hammer out some details of the conference for his leaders on Thursday and Friday. He has 20 leaders here and has invited other church leaders. He thinks around 100 will come. Whatever the case may be, I ask for your prayers. I will teach from 8-12 and 2-4 both Thursday and Friday.

I am using a team member's computer and almost out of battery. Hopefully the power will come on soon so everything can get recharged.

God's Rich Blessings,

Pastor Randy


  1. I would LOVE to see a dance offering at Constance some day!!

  2. I also videoed the people of the Congo during offering. I was overcome with their joy and laughter in giving, when they have so little but give so freely . I think it would be a wonderful to see your video in our church and would love to see us dance with joy as we give the offering. Prayers and blessings to you and the people of the Congo.
