Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meeting Kazika

Sunday night I found out I was the official Chaplain of the CECU conference going on now becasue I am the Bible Hour teacher. Around 1500 People are here from around the Ubangi Provine. Many of these folks walked to this conference. Some as far as 150 kilometers.

They feed them a big meal at noon everyday. As I preach each morning the women are gathering in the back of the church getting ready to fix the meal. There is a station for meat, pondue (very spinach like), fuku (no decription but worse than some scandanvian stuff -- actually looks like a blob of grainy oatmeal), either the world's toughest chicken, goat pork or beef. Normally goat or chicken. And we usually have white rice and palm oil gravy. All this cooked on open fires in back of the church. On Monday morning while I was preaching one of our team went out back as they were butchering two pigs.

Today was a busy day as they all have been. But today was very special for me (and Deb). I was able to meet Kazika today - our Global FingerPrints child. She is a beautiful little seven year old who is getting food, clothes and an education - something she wouldn't have without our support. I want to encourage each of your to consider the Global FingerPrints program. What a way to change a life.

Keep praying. My two busiest days of teaching are still to come. I have been preaching daily on prayer and I believe it has been a good connection. These are all pastors and we have a lot in common.

Well I am just about out of power so better sign off.

God bless,

Pastor Randy


  1. Randy,
    I am so encouraged by what God is giving you the humble privilege to do in Congo. I am praying for you and our dear Congolese brothers and sisters. Your description of the food is spot-on. The glob of "grainy oatmeal" was a challenge for me as well. On the other hand, the amazing amount of work our Congolese sisters do to prepare with such primitive tools is something to see. They are amazing women.
    That was so cool that you could meet your and Deb's Global Fingerprints child. I too desire that those at Constance and others across the USA will see the wonderful opportunity to sponsor an orphan in Congo. The fact that the EFCA Touch Global is the only organization in Congo doing this makes this opportunity even more precious.
    Wish I was there with you. If you see this when you are in Congo, please give Mowa, the director of Elikya a special greeting from me.

  2. Daddy it is so cool to read all of your e-mails. I had know idea that you would get the chance to meet Kazika or that she was in the Congo. I am praying for you and love you. Cassie

  3. Randy,
    Wow what an experience you two are having! I am still meditating on our Mexico adventure with the teen and in awe how God has grown each one of them! I can't wait to hear more about God's people on that side of the world! I will be praying that you both are an example of our Lord's hands and feet! Bless you both.
