Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hungry To Learn

Well Thursday is over. I taught all day on African Time. I taught a group of evangelists discipleship and evangelism principles. I am overwhelmed with their commitment to share the Gospel with their countrymen.

Our Church sent three hundred dollars worth of materials for these godly men. They were so appreciative. When I came back from lunch break from 10-12:00, ten of them where in this hot room reading. They have so few materials but are so hungry to learn.

After I came back from lunch I realized these men had been there since the am without anything to eat or drink. Thankfully the office sent some water, freshly roated peanuts and what looks like a dougnut hole (but is a cake).

We crammed the seminar into one day because the men were out of money and needed to leave for home.

I am tired but so refreshed to see their hunger to learn some things that I take for granted.

I just ran into Pastor Salenga and David K (from Liberia) who are doing strategic planning here for Reach Africa. These are passionate and godly men who desire to reach the continent for Christ.

Well I have just been informed that the African shirt I ordered is done and I need to get my picture taken with the tailor.

Thanks for your prayers. I look forward to sharing with you in August and especially showing you my new shirt.

God Bless,

Pastor Randy

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meeting Kazika

Sunday night I found out I was the official Chaplain of the CECU conference going on now becasue I am the Bible Hour teacher. Around 1500 People are here from around the Ubangi Provine. Many of these folks walked to this conference. Some as far as 150 kilometers.

They feed them a big meal at noon everyday. As I preach each morning the women are gathering in the back of the church getting ready to fix the meal. There is a station for meat, pondue (very spinach like), fuku (no decription but worse than some scandanvian stuff -- actually looks like a blob of grainy oatmeal), either the world's toughest chicken, goat pork or beef. Normally goat or chicken. And we usually have white rice and palm oil gravy. All this cooked on open fires in back of the church. On Monday morning while I was preaching one of our team went out back as they were butchering two pigs.

Today was a busy day as they all have been. But today was very special for me (and Deb). I was able to meet Kazika today - our Global FingerPrints child. She is a beautiful little seven year old who is getting food, clothes and an education - something she wouldn't have without our support. I want to encourage each of your to consider the Global FingerPrints program. What a way to change a life.

Keep praying. My two busiest days of teaching are still to come. I have been preaching daily on prayer and I believe it has been a good connection. These are all pastors and we have a lot in common.

Well I am just about out of power so better sign off.

God bless,

Pastor Randy

Monday, July 27, 2009


The power just went off for the night. It comes on for about 2.5 hours so batteries can be charged. It was a very big day - I found out that I am the official Chaplain for the conference so I preached to start the conference. Pray for the strength to meet the responsibilities that have been requested of me.

Pastor Randy

Sunday Worship

Today is Sunday and I just experienced my first Worship service in Africa. The service lasted around three hours but probably a little longer because it was a kick off to their biannual CECU national conference. Over 1500 pastor's and wives are here. It is just incredible to see the joy with which they gather. One group that came by a big truck from zongo (probably 30 people stacked on each other) pulled in at 7:00 a.m. after driving all night on the same road we traveled the day before. They came into the CECU compound singing a hymn loudly. It sent a chill down my spine and in all honestly I was overcome with the goodness of God.

The service today had four choirs singing all original music for this conference. Each Song told a story. We had a translator close so we got the main themes. It was a great kick off - the highlight was when they received the offering. I will show you footage when I get back. Maybe we will try a dance offering someday when we celebrate the work at Elikya!

This afternoon one of our team members and I started a game of Frisbee without the Frisbee. We used a plastic lid and had a ball with a bunch of kids - fun time!

I was able to meet with the national evangelist today and hammer out some details of the conference for his leaders on Thursday and Friday. He has 20 leaders here and has invited other church leaders. He thinks around 100 will come. Whatever the case may be, I ask for your prayers. I will teach from 8-12 and 2-4 both Thursday and Friday.

I am using a team member's computer and almost out of battery. Hopefully the power will come on soon so everything can get recharged.

God's Rich Blessings,

Pastor Randy

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our First Saturday

Dear Constance Family,

It has been an eventful day! Our team got to go out and see the Elikya campus and ministry. It is amazing what is being done there. Everywhere we go we get a tour of the entire campus (as we did in Zongo). It is great to see the people's enthusiasm for what God is doing in their areas of ministry and from those who are being ministered to. It is wonderful to see what God is doing in the people's lives, especially in the women and orphans at Elikya.

This is supposed to be the "cooler/rainy season" but I must say that it felt like a good HOT Minnesota day. I think it is in the low 90's and humid. We walked alot today and that means we sweat alot! I don't mind being reminded of Minnesota summers though!!

I have to tell you about the people. Many are traveling here for the conference which begins on Tuesday. One group from a village came walking and riding bikes after having traveled several days over many kilometers. They come with all of their food (even live chickens attached to the bikes) and needs carried on their backs or on the bikes. Their enthusiam and joy are amazing!!

I have learned to say 'hello' in Congolese, and often have children coming up to shake my hand and say hello before they run off. Deb would love that!

I know that you are keeping us in your prayers as we travel and minister to these people. I think of you often back in Minnesota.

May God bless your weekend as you worship Him.

Pastor Randy

Friday, July 24, 2009

Greetings From Gemena

Dear Constance Family,

It is 11:20 p.m. in Gemena and I am just settling into my room at the Free Church headquarters. I was up by 6:00 this morning and it has been an eventful day in Africa!

After breakfast our team did the river crossing. It was a wonderful and scenic crossing!! (Deb appreciates that there were no crocodiles to be seen/and definitely no alligators which are native to the America's and China!). We went to the Zonga Free Church school and clinic and were there for about two hours while paper work was being done. The people graciously served us a banquet size meal!!! Our team then drove to the Free Church seminary and school where we were served another banquet meal which was pretty much identical to the first one (except there was chicken instead of goat meat). The people do not have much, but they are very generous to their guests!! (just wait...)

We then had our long stretch of driving on one lane, rutted, and flooded roads. We averaged from 10 - 35 mph most of the trip, but the ten miles our driver drove 50 mph I was sure that we would run over chickens, goats or people who were also using the road! Thankfully we did not hit anything or anyone! It was a rough road but we had a great time visiting with each other! (No chance of napping with the bumps!)

When we arrived at Gemena around 9:30 tonight President Bosapole greeted us and welcomed us to yet another banquet to eat at. This one included both chicken and goat meat. ;-) We have had delicious fruit here! It is a very beautiful country and so are the people beautiful! We are excited for how God will use us for His glory in the days ahead! Pray for His Spirit to teach the people through our ministry.

God bless you,

Pastor Randy

Thursday, July 23, 2009

On African Soil

Dear Constance Family,

I AM ON AFRICAN SOIL FINALLY! We are staying at a mission house tonight in Bangui. There is no guarantee of electric power through the night and it will be our first night under mosquito nets! All but one parcel made it here and it is something for the mission, not any personal luggage. This is great news since we each checked our bags to go 'to Africa' from our original starting places (Kevin is from CA., four people from Hastings, Nebr., and some from Minneapolis).

The airport in Bangui was complete chaos. There is no personal space, with very long lines! There was no air conditioning for 2 1/2 hrs. (remember there is no electric power guarantees!), so it was HOT! ;-) It costs money to use the restroom ($2.00 US). Aren't we fortunate in America?? ;-)

Bangui is quite the town. It is the capital city of Central African Republic and there are crowds of people walking everywhere! It is a great place to be as this is where God has brought us! We may not have the internet for two days now as we are crossing that river in 40 ft. canoes (which Deb is concerned about because of the alligators:-)!, and riding many hours to our first destination. It has been a long day of travel, but a good day!!!

God bless you each!

Pastor Randy

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Flight To Paris

Hello Constance Family,

I had a very good and uneventful flight to Paris where we were to have a 15 hour layover. It was here I met up with the team. We bought a pass on the Metro Train system and had time to visit three areas - the Eiffel Tower, the Arc of Triumph and Notre Dame. WOW—Beautiful!

We then got back about 5 p.m., showered and got ready to check in for our 11 p.m. flight to Bangui. When we arrived at the airport we were informed the flight would not leave until tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. (No crew had showed up!). This is certainly better for us to get a good nights sleep with the jet lag weariness. The airlines put the entire plane up at the IBIS hotel and fed us supper at 9:00 p.m. Paris time (2:00 p.m. Wed.)

My back went out the day before I left so please pray for healing for it. It is sore but I am functioning quit well.

Pray also for our flight tomorrow (1:00 a.m.Thursday); that all will go well as we arrive in Bangui. From there we cross the mile wide river in canoes and drive 12 hours to Gemena.

We had a good day as a team. Thanks for your prayers as we continue to get to know one another. If you can get Google Earth, check for the road we will be on from Bangui (where we fly into from Paris) in the Central African Republic, across river to Zongo and then to Gemena (in the Democratic Repulic of Congo). We found it on our computer before I left!! WE so much appreciate your prayers.

God's rich blessing on you,

Pastor Randy

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Countdown To Africa

Time is now flying and I must admit I am feeling a little frantic and excited about leaving for Africa. I will be leaving for the Democratic Republic of Congo in less than two days. I want to “thank you” in advance for taking the time to read these entries over the next 18 days and to pray for our trip to the Congo.

Constance has made a five year commitment to participate in a consortium of American Free Churches(7 presently) to partner with the Congo Free Church(CECU) in advancing God’s kingdom work. You can find more at - click in to set up an account(free) and you will find a ton of info about our partnership in the Congo.

My purpose for taking this trip is to capture a vision for our participation in the ministry in Congo and to better articulate that to our Church. That is still my main purpose though God has blessed me with other tasks as well.

Hear are some initial prayer requests with commentary.

  1. Pray for Safety in Travel. I will be flying to Chicago-Paris-To Banguii in Central African Republic. From there we will cross the river (1 mile wide) in 40 foot mahogany canoes strapped together powered by a 5 hp motor. Once we cross into Congo we still have 200 miles to go in the back of a truck (on dirt roads in rainy season). This takes approximately 11 hours.
  2. Pray specifically that our baggage gets to where we are going when we do.(Banguii) There is only one flight a week to this area and little chance the baggage would ever reach us in time to use it.
  3. Pray for CECU as it has it’s bi-annual church pastors conference. Around 1500 will attend. This will provide an opportunity for our team to meet the CECU leadership. Pray for divine appointments.
  4. I will be teaching two sessions during this conference on Prayer. Pray for this. I will be preaching in the opening session of this conference followed by two hours of prayer led by a national leader. I feel honored to share in this way.
  5. Presently I will be preaching our last Sunday at the Gemena Free Church.
  6. 10 days ago I was asked to do a 1-2 day seminar under Pastor Makasi Marcel’s leadership for the 27 regional evangelism and discipleship leaders.(Pastor Marcel is CECU’s national evangelist) I am honored (and scared to death) with this opportunity. With the help of Steve Wheeler our missionary in Montreal I have been able to secure some French material to give to these leaders.(national language is French but they speak in Lingala) I will be preparing 10 sessions so please pray. This really amps my prep for this trip and one of my suitcases will be filled with printed materials. Dr. Tom Cairns told me that in the five years of partnership with CECU to his knowledge this is the first seminar we have been asked to do. So I need lots of prayer. Pray that what is shared will somehow minister across all racial, cultural and language barriers for God’s Glory.

Well this is just an opening volley of requests. I hope you will pray for me, our team and my family during these busy and exciting kingdom days. Pray also as you come with me through prayer and e-mail/blog that your heart will be moved by God and His great purposes.

Thanks for Praying!

Pastor Randy