Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pray and Watch

ALL of Life can be ALL about Eternity All the Time! If what matters most is people finding Jesus, then it stands to reason that we must trade in our daily lives to find life in the context of eternity.

It means Priority Living. Simple concept-Living for what matter's most. It means you can make your desk, a trip to the store or mailbox an opportunity to live for what matters most, to live for eternity-All the Time.

It means using every circumstance of life to care for what matters most! It means we care more about the checkout person than we do that it took longer than usual to get through the checkout line. It means we go about the mundane with eternity in mind, knowing that what matters most is people finding Jesus. It makes the mundane an adventure of living life on purpose for a purpose. Jesus Invites you to live such a life. Anything else is too little to live for.

So Pray and Watch for we serve a God who loves to save people.
I encourage you to pray "The 5-second Prayer...Father, please send Your Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of these people. Draw them to Jesus and make them kingdom workers.

When you do you pray according to the will of the Father, for salvation comes through Jesus Christ. You can do this anytime and anywhere for anyone, and know the joy of influencing a lost world to salvation in Jesus Christ. You are an evangelist doing the work of evangelism when you are praying this prayer.

What would happen in people's lives if each of us would chose to live for what matters most and watched for God's working. This prayer aligns our heart with God's heart for what matters most- people finding Jesus. It's living for eternity and Jesus invites you to live with such purpose.

I want to invite you to share your story. Let me know how God is using you for eternity. Just this morning, as I was getting the paper I prayed the 5 second prayer for a neighbor leaving for work. I know God is working--I can't wait to see how. I can't wait to hear how God is using you for eternity. I know He Will.

In sharing your story of living for what matters most by practicing a lifestyle of Pray and Watch you are in the words of the writer of Hebrews "...[let us spur] spurring one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

I look forward to seeing you this weekend. Remember it is important to strengthen and encourage one another by meeting together. We easily grow cold and are hardened by sin's deceitfulness without the encouragment we find in community.(Hebrews 3:12-15)

God BLess

Pastor Randy


  1. I have decided to diligently "pray and watch" every time I back out of my driveway. I have begun to pray for my neighbor. I am excited to turn a multiple time a day activity from mundane to fun! I can't wait to see what God will do.

  2. Tonight we were in a situation that involved relating to people of a different culture. Although I did not fully understand their religion, I was able to "Pray and Watch".

  3. I pray as I get on Hwy 10 each morning. Even as early as 5:45am Minnesota Nice turns into Every man for Himself. I pray that the person passing me with a scowl will see not me but Jesus in my car when they pass. I pray that everyone reaches their distination safely.

  4. We have a family in our neighborhood experiencing some significant medical challenges, and normally I'd pray for their comfort and healing. I've prayed for that, but I also prayed the "Pray and Watch" prayer too.

  5. We eat meals at Subway frequently. The last time that we were there, we struck up a conversation with the young man behind the counter and as we prayed for our meal, we prayed the 5-second prayer for him ...

    I love the reality that our lives can be all about eternity ALL the time!

  6. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfullness, goodness and self control. The fruit of the Holy Spirit. As we pray for someone or multiple people we interact with, how much more effective can we be if we ask God to help us display the life style which radiates a real transformed life. Such a witness is a magnet to a hurting person who needs to meet Jesus. My prayer is for members of my family who are religious, no fruit showing.

  7. On Thursday we did a family trip to get flu shots, the nurse who helped us was very nice and helpful... and we prayed the 5 second prayer for her and her family. Friday night was so nice for an evening walk with the baby in the stroller, every neighbor I passed was an opportunity to pray the prayer. A guy cut me off by illegally using the shoulder of the road and almost causing an accident, I honked, then prayed the prayer, helped me stop fumming faster and focused me on what's really important.

  8. As I say the prayer for people, now I have a joy in my heart just knowing that the Holy Spirit will be working his miracles.

  9. It's exciting to know that it is the Holy Spirit who does the work, and not us in our lack. We just need to ask!

  10. I have been doing a Pray and Watch for a young co-worker who told me she did not want anything to do with religion.. So since Sunday I have been Praying and Watching. She told me today that she was feeling down last week and that I had left my radio station on which is KTIS and she loved the music and told Her mom to listen to it this weekend... Will keep Praying and Watching...
