Thursday, July 15, 2010

30 Years

This week Deb and I celebrated 30 years of Marriage. One the one hand we both can't believe it. TIme went by so fast. On the other hand we expected it. I don't think either of us thinks marriage is all that easy. I think you have to work at some stuff-well more stuff than just some. On the other hand there are things only the Spirit can do-If we will let him! When I think about being patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not rude, not proud, not self seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, never delights in evil, rejoices in truth, always protects, always trust, hopes and perseveres I am so glad the Spirit is working and transforming my life. If I submit to that work--I might make another 30 years of marriage. If I don't that's a list that will kill me if done only on my own effort and strength. Well first you have to have the want to- and thats in short supply in most of our lives. I am so thankful the Spirit gives the ability to do in the believers life.

I wouldn't mind another 30 years. I don't really want to hang on forever but if I can spend those years with Deb, who more than anyone I know exemplifies the above qualities-well I might just look forward to that and hang on as long as I can.(Better exercise today) Anyhow I want to encourage all of you married folks to expect to be together until death separates you. And keep allowing the Spirit to work deep in your life so that your spouse will have the best,growing godly spouse possible. That will take you to the finish line-together.

Thanks Deb for the best 30 years of my life. I definitely got the better end of the lifetime deal we made 30 years ago. I Love You!

Well moving from one extra-ordinary miracle to another I invite you to explore the extraordinary work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church this weekend. I will be dealing with the topic "Are Miraculous Gifts For Today?". The miracle of the church and how God can take people who have been dead in sin and bring them back to a life lived in the presence of God and using that life for his purposes and glory is really worth taking a look at.

See You This Weekend

God BLess

Pastor Randy

1 comment:

  1. The Grubb's wish to congratulate you and Deb for 30 years of marriage and prayerfully another 30+ happy years together. You both are an inspiration to the younger married couples in the church that although we may have differences with our spouse we can work it out as long as Christ is the center of our relationships.
