Thursday, May 6, 2010

Circles of Influence

Most of us underestimate our influence. I was talking to a friend in the church lobby Wednesday night. He told me he had been praying for his neighbors and his Christian testimony in his neighborhood. He has had some talks with neighbors about spiritual things and some of the neighborhood kids have come to youth group at times. One neighbor seemed to have no interest, and he had no opportunity to talk about spiritual things with this family. This family knew some of the neighborhood kids had come to Constance. This week that family asked for the times of our Constance Worship Services. They said they were coming to Church this Sunday. Amazing! Also an answer to faithful prayers (Pray and Watch) and living an authentic Christian life before neighbors.

I believe God has strategically placed each one of you as beacons of hope and light in your neighborhoods. The hope we have and the light we shine all comes from Jesus who uses your life and circumstances to show his love and mercy to all who are still far away from knowing him.
"And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making hsi appeal through us...." 2 Corinthians 5:19-20

Ask God to continually help you to see your neighbors and friends as He does, pray for them, love them, serve them in Jesus' name. "So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view...." 2 Corithinas 5:16. I know God will bless this faithfulness for it is his desire that all come to a knowledge of faith in Jesus Christ!

Speaking of influential people. Who has more influence than Mom's?? This week is Mother's Day and also a day we do Baby dedications. This week we will have many guests invited by these parents. Please pray for these family members and friends that Our Father by means of the Holy Spirit would work in hearts and lives and draw them to Jesus. Pray for these families as they desire to raise their families with Jesus at the center of their lives.

This month we are considering our vision as it pertains to the call of God in our lives as a local church body. Our vision as a church is to influence our world in many locations with Christ's love and good deeds. During this time would you come before God and ask what that means for God using your time , talent and treasure for His kingdom building purposes.

Who in your life has God placed so that they can see God's love and grace??? "Father, please send your Holy SPirit to work in the hearts of these people. Draw them to Jesus and make them kingdom workers."

See you all this weekend!

God Bless

Pastor Randy

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Randy
    Im wondering if this person who you spoke with was Paul Hare, and the neighbors that he spoke of is a lady I (Rachel Wengler) spoke with in regards to heaven and what exactally consists of getting to heaven and how there is much more than just believing in Jesus Christ but it is living life for Christ. I just recentally got out of Teen challenge on April 30th. And honestly words cannot began to explain the transformation, and the new life I live know. Im do not live for myself anymore, every minute of my life is to serve and be a bond servant to christ. I am a witness of what God can do and continues to do for me and my family. I now know that my call is to share the news of what God had done for my family and I to friends and family, and give them the knowledge of what life they need to live, and that is for Christ.
    Pastor thanks to this church body it has saved my soul and is saving many other souls. I now know that in my life time on earth I either serve Satan or God, and God has now given me that chance to serve Him and furthur His kingdom.
    I would love to sit with you and share where I was before Teen Challenge and where I am know. I can honestly say that I was once a Saul and now a Paul.
    Thank you for all you do Pastor. You are going to someday have a very cozy place next to our Almighty God
    RAchel Wengler
