Thursday, March 18, 2010

Big Thaw

It's 62 degrees today and my father-in-law is in town to do some ice fishing. He is out right now and probably within the hour I will be cleaning fish. (should I have given him a life-jacket this morning?) It seems like a couple days ago that winter had a firm grip on our area. How quickly things can change. In two days the calendar changes to spring and new stuff starts happening all over the place.

As I thought about this sudden change I was reminded of the Chronicles of Narnia and how the ice queen had complete icy control and a new wind and breath (Aslan-a representation of the power and presence of God) came, touched hearts and new life came about.

If you are a believer, Spring is a great time to celebrate and remember God's life changing touch and presence in your life. As we celebrate the life we have in Christ this Easter (of course we celebrate daily as well) it is my prayer that you will share this life with other's around you.

Take on the mindset of Paul, who once he had experienced new life in Christ, said he could never see anyone around him the same again. We all need a life changing touch from God. It might seem that all those around you aren't interested or have everything together. Take on Paul's and Christ's mind, know everyone needs a touch from God. "Pray and Watch" and trust that God is working because He promises to "Draw All to Himself".

This weekend we continue looking at the most famous sermon in the world and probably some of the most famous words of this sermon acknowledged and honored through out the world called "the golden rule." Though these words are heralded as some of the wisest and acknowledged as the highest ideal and good in the world, there is a problem. It never seems to work. People don't seem to ever follow the rule. Find out why and what you can do about this problem and "oops" that you may be part of the problem-this weekend at Constance.

I hope you will prioritize our time together. No question, Christ has entrusted and changed each believer with the Gospel message of life in Christ. It matters for the world around us that this message is heard and understood. Just remember--If God can change you-He can thaw and change those you are praying for. What a privilege to be apart of life transformation that will last forever.

See You this weekend!

God Bless

Pastor Randy



    God bless,
    Randy Nelson

  2. It makes my heart swell to read your affirming words about how our prayers make a difference in the lives of those we pray for. Thanks be to God and thank you, Pastor Randy. Carole Hibbard
