What I am saying is use this time to be redemptive in your conversations. I believe there is a great spiritual hunger in our society that will never be quenched without people seeing Jesus for who he really is. You might be all someone sees of Jesus so Pray that God's Spirit uses you as part of his redemptive plan. I will remind you of our Pray and Watch Prayer at the end of the blog.
Last week in I told you one of the ways to experience the presence of God throughout the day is a Catholic Tradition called the Divine Hours. Phyllis Tickle has written several books that give you scripture prompts and prayers throughout the day. I find them helpful to remind me all day of God's presence in my life. A church in Michigan hosts Tickle's writings online. Add this link to your favorites and go there often.
I encourage each of you to experiment to see what different spiritual disciples work best for you to create space in your life to conform to the image of Christ.
As we begin preparation for this Easter season, I encourage you to begin praying for those in your life you might want to invite to an Easter service. I know this will be a great joy for you and I will be praying for you as you invite.
What a joy for us to serve our Lord together. I am constantly amazed at the stories I hear of how God places each of you for his purposes. You are a great blessing to our community.
I look forward to seeing you all as we worship our Lord together this weekend. I just got new glasses so, I am literally looking forward to seeing you this weekend.
God Bless
Pastor Randy
Pray and Watch--Father, please send your Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of these people. Draw them to Jesus and make them kingdom workers.
Our lives can be all about the kingdom all the time. It's the privilege of His Presence.
Thank you for this post. I have six women from the neighborhood who come to my house on Friday for Bible Study and Card Playing, the group is called God's WOW (Wise Old Women). Anyway, one of my women is Catholic and has been for over 70 years. A year ago, she accepted Christ as her personal savior. This year she's been talking about giving up cards as a penance for lent. As the leader I've been praying about whether or not it's essential for me to confront this since paying a penance takes away from what God has done on the cross. Over the years I've tried to be very respectful to each women's religion and have promised to not preach a religion, just Jesus Christ and the Bible. I have already confronted issue on Catholicism through the studies. I decided to not confront an issue, unless it's directly asked of me or in comes up through the bible study and then try to connect some ritual the Catholics have in relationship to it. After reading this, I think I will be silent unless God makes it abundantly clear to say something. Anyway, I appreciated this posting. Thank you. Mari